Thursday, November 29, 2007

Done and done!!

Even though Dave and Jen went and nagged up the Dolsky Family title, they had some good thinking on the whole family blog aspect. So Erika and I got a little family action going on of our own. Check out the new (and much cooler) Dolsky blog.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New and exciting

I just read/watched Avey’s post on the office I wish I was cool enough to know how to do the whole link thing or post a video whatever I’m just not. I as well am supper soaked for this new season, although it is painful for me to watch. It’s like Pam said about the Dundees “Its like watching a car wreck you want to turn away but you can’t…because your boss is making you.” The office is definitely the funniest show on TV, yet it is so horribly awkward that I want to shield my eyes. Erika sits and watches with stoic pose, meanwhile I am in the fetal position in the corner trying to shield myself from the madness. Yet I just can’t take my eyes off the screen, I just get too emotionally involved. It’s like I can feel what it would be like to be there and it is terrifyingly hilarious.
Other than that we just finalized arrangements for new carpeting in our bedrooms. Instead of two weeks, we have till Tuesday till the carpet comes. This means this weekend will be spent patching, sanding and painting walls like there is no manyana (that’s Spanish, I can’t spell in English. I don’t even know why I try in other languages.)
Anyway kids it s good to be back, you probably forgot this blog even exists and I don’t blame you, but till next time.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Black Sunday

To explain my absence on the blogger scene (and also face book I suppose, though I almost never use face book anyway) I dropped my computer last Sunday just after I had printed out my message for the day. Now the screen no longer works, the reason I know that is because I can just barely see the screen if I lean in real close and kinda squint my eyes and the regular applications seem to work fine. There is one certified Mac technician in all of GP and he is very busy so I have not heard back how much it is going to cost but first estimates are not good. The lady at Mac Care said a new screen for my model is around $1500. I feel absolutely horrible not just because it has come to be very important to me (not having it I feel as though both my thumbs have been sliced off) but because it is in actuality the Churches computer and so I am costing the church plant that is already on a tight budget a considerable repair bill. A few people have suggested I just hook up the computer to a regular screen which I may have to settle for if the repair cost is too great. But even then I will have to find a screen that can hook up with a UPC port or buy an adapter to make an older screen fit. Also I am now forced to consider moving back to PC. Even though I love Mac and they really are vastly superior to PC in almost every way, they are still very costly and I am having issues with archaic software that simply refuses to become Mac compatible. It is times like these that I consider reverting to the sport I perfected in school of computer-tossing-out-a-second-story-window. Anyway kids take it easy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good times.

This was a pretty crazy weekend, on Friday we got to see our baby for the first time on the ultrasound. He is very stubborn like his mother and refuses to turn around while he is sleeping even if you poke him real hard (oh and as a disclaimer! I am using “him” purely in the generic sense as a more personal yet very ambiguous non gender specific term as in, “they”, or “one” as opposed to “it”, we do not actually know the gender of our child as of yet) But we did get some decent profile shots and saw his little heart pumping away.
Then Friday night Jonny and Marina dropped and we had lots of good fun with them touring the town hanging out playing games and such even made it down to O’Brian Park for a wini-roast. It was really awesome to see them again. Though a little awkward at times. This morning Marina was showing me some pictures on their computer. I was impressed with their machine as it was newer than I had been lead to believe so Tim says “Oh you guys have OSX?” (as in the new Mac operating system, some of the very little nerd speak I know)
Marina matter of factly - “yup”
Slight Pause and Marina Again a little slower - “Oh!… lots of???...”
Very awkward…
But that’s hanging with married friends I guess.
Anyway kids sorry if I made you blush. Take it easy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dueck Chritmas

Last night we went out to Erika’s parents for family dinner. When I got there (Erika was already there because she works on the same yard) I was greeted by a sign on the side of the house that said “1st annual Dueck Christmas in July” apparently the ladies decided during the course of the day that we should have a mini Christmas celebration. So out came all sorts of decorations, table ware, Christmas music, they even cut out a life sized Christmas tree out of wrapping paper and taped it to the wall. Unfortunately the thought was made after preparations had already begun for sweet and sour meatballs and rice, so no turkey (not that I’m really complaining).
After supper we sat around the campfire outside and had a Chinese gift exchange with presents they had kicking around the house. Erika and I came out pretty good with a box of Cadbury Thins chocolate bars (mine) and socks and a Canadian Tire gift certificate. (Erika’s), Mike ended up with a half used bag of bath salts and Nathan a pack of batteries so I figure we got off pretty good.
All in all a very fine Christmas.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Sunday was kinda a rough day for me as far as pastoring goes. I should have known it was going to be rough because when I wrote my sermon I sat back and said “Good job Tim”, I thought I was rather clever for putting together some catchy phrases that in my mind communicated some somewhat overlooked truths, not to mention my analogies which again in my mind were pretty much a photograph of what I was trying to convey. This is never a good sign, pride come before the fall much?
Then as I was showering I was thinking about someone in particular I have a rough time talking about the gospel with, in fact I generally avoid it. But God really convicted me that if I love them I need to at least attempt to communicate the truth with them. Before toweling I did the classic “Well I wont force the issue, if God wants me to talk about Jesus with them he will provide the opportunity.” Naturally I figured it would not happen. Guess who walked into church that morning? Totally through off my game, seriously the last person I expected to be there.
For the most part the beginning of the service went alright. The children’s story actually went awesome but from the beginning I knew it had been all God’s doing. As for my “brilliant sermon” it felt like wading through led. It was like nothing was coming out right, I kept on losing my place, so I got nervous and started talking faster which only compounded the problem and by the time I sat down I was just glad it was over. Comments from a couple people suggested that it was ok and in spite of me the Spirit had communicated what he wanted to, but as far I was concerned God had put me in my place and I was humbled and glad for it (in the embarrassed sort of way).
Afterwards we had a barbeque which was fun but the whole time I was trying to tell myself to be pastor like and be friendly and schmooze and such, but the entire time I could not carry on a half decent conversation. I got into a conversation where someone asked me what I did for fun, and I honestly could not think of anything, I ended up saying I just watch a lot of movies which made me feel like an even bigger anti-socialite.
I know God is moving in our little church and I know he has plans to make it grow, but it seems whenever I put my mind to it or try to do something I end up disappointed and frustrated by my own lack of enthusiasm or creativity.
I feel like I am trying to squeeze myself into some sort of mould and yet resisting it at the same time. I know moulds are dumb for the most part and I should just let go and let God do what he does, like I am going to stop him anyway. I just wish I had a better clue what I am in store for.
Ach well, time will tell. Sorry guys not a very amusing post, but whatever.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Big Money

This weekend was shaping up to be less than eventful. We had some household chores scheduled in but really who looks forward to that. So when we found out the horse races were going on at evergreen park we were pretty stoked. The best part was that it was free. So we picked up a few bags of skittles to bet with and Erika her brother Mike and I headed out. There were not a whole lot of people there so we had a whole bleacher section to ourselves. After a few races winning and loosing Skittles we decided to put some actual money down. Naturally I picked the horse with the best odds however foolishly decided to put ten bucks down, then the lady asked me win, place or show, I was stumped, apparently even with my ice cool exterior I could not pull off the professional gambler immage. Apparently there are a ton of different bets you can place the most common being for your horse to win, for your horse to place (get fist or second) or to show (first second or third) I picked to show why not increase my odds. Getting back to our spot I was feeling pretty sheepish for betting that much but man was that race intense to watch, and the best part was the stud won. I was supper stoked, even extatic i might say. I went down to collect my winnings, the lady kinda smirked at me when she handed me eleven bucks. For my ten-dollar risk I gained one measly dollar. I’m a real tycoon. Apparently the best odds also means the worst pay off go figure. Figuring out a few of the finer points I placed a few more bets (this time for a lot less I might add). Att the end of the day not only had I cleaned up in Skittles but I was actually ahead four dollars and fifty cents as well. Needless to say Erika and I had one heck of night out on the town.
It was a pretty fun and relaxing way to spend the afternoon. Think we’ll do it again soon.